I think this is a powerful message and a much more important theme than most video games tend to embody. By the time the player is ready to start a new game, they are thinking more about who they have helped rather than who they have killed. The zombie apocalypse merely serves as a backdrop for bringing these unique characters together to form a tight unit and push themselves to become better than who they were before the outbreak. During the story, players will assist a lifeguard station, a church, stranded villagers in the jungle, and even some "born-again" prisoners by bringing them food, water, and other means for survival. The player is tasked with keeping people safe and alive by any means necessary. Find co-op news, reviews, and more info about this game. With that being said, the playable characters are ethnically diverse and their purpose is one of good intentions. Co-Op gameplay information about Dead Island on Playstation 3. All These elements are coupled with copious amounts of blood, but very little gore. Also to note is the use of weapons such as brass knuckles and "butterfly" knives, which are considered illegal in most countries.

There is no restriction on the use of guns but they adopt a secondary role in the gameplay. Violence is always a part of gameplay, and in some cases the player will be forced to attack or kill other humans during the story, it's not all zombies. 6 Released for Linux, Microsoft Windows, OS X, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the game is centered on the challenge of surviving a zombie-infested open world with a major emphasis on melee combat. There is strong language throughout including some F-bombs during the cutscenes. Dead Island is a 2011 action role-playing game developed by Techland and published by Deep Silver.